Report Launch: What Price Safe Motherhood? NHS Charging for Maternity Care in England and its Impact on Migrant Women
We would like to invite you to the launch of “What Price Safe Motherhood? NHS Charging for Maternity Care in England and its Impact on Migrant Women”, Maternity Action’s latest research into the impact of NHS charging on migrant women.
We will share key findings and recommendations of our research and explain some of the most onerous barriers to care that many migrant women face when seeking maternity care in the UK.
The study found that charging for maternity care was carried out with little or no reference to the circumstances or vulnerability of the women being billed and caused enormous stress for women during and after their pregnancies. Most of the women charged were very poor and in some cases destitute and wholly unable to repay charges of 150% the normal tariff. Charging deters women, especially those living in precarious circumstances, from receiving essential care before during and after their pregnancies.
This event is relevant to all those engaged in maternity care with migrant women including NHS staff, midwives, doctors, support workers and any others concerned with the health and wellbeing of migrant women.
Doors open at 9.30 for tea/coffee with a start time of 10am.
Confirmed speakers include: Rayah Feldman, Senior Policy Officer for Maternity Action (principal researcher) Alison Wright, Vice President for UK and Global Membership, RCOG Amy Murtagh, Interim Director, Project 17 Alison Moore, Director, MRANG Jennie Corbett, UK Policy and Advocacy Advisor, Doctors of the World .
This event is family friendly; refreshments and buggy space available.