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Sarah Finnis is  a Specialist Clinical Psychologist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology based in an acute hospital, Hillingdon Hospital in Uxbridge. . She provides a specialist psychology service to women during their antenatal care as well as offering postnatal follow-up after birth to support women and their partners as they transition to parenthood. She also sees women (and partners) who have suffered loss and women who have difficulties with secondary and sub fertility.   In relation to birth trauma, antenatally she receives referrals from the Obstetric Consultants, The VBAC clinic or Specialist Midwives.  Sarah will meet with women for an initial assessment.  This is often when women have the first opportunity to talk through their whole journey from conception through to birth and their postnatal experiences.  Sarah writes up their account in detail which women find invaluable as it validates their experiences.  She also acts as a care-coordinator and will facilitate appointments with the anaesthetists, midwives and consultants.  So that the team are aware the women are under the care of this service a sticker is placed in their blue maternity notes.  They discuss what support will be helpful during their pregnancy -  for example psychological therapy for trauma.  Towards the end  of their pregnancy, around 37/40 weeks they collaboratively write a Psychology Care-plan together which gives a brief background history of the previous birth trauma and identifies what may act as triggers given the previous trauma.  This is placed in the maternity notes along with stickers in the Labour Notes and Postnatal Notes and circulated by email to all ward managers, the matron, the lead obstetric anaesthetist and consultant.  It is also uploaded onto the maternity database. 


Women are always offered a postnatal appointment to review their birth experience and to discuss further support as needed.  Sarah also receives referrals postnatally from Obstetric and Gynaecology consultants following a postnatal appointment when there has been a medically complicated birth such as one resulting in a 3rd/4th degree tear and also a traumatic birth.  She will work therapeutically with women and can offer flexible support to provide care through to a subsequent pregnancy.  This provides continuity of care for women in the service. 


In addition this service provides support, teaching and training to the Maternity Staff to enable staff to provide psychologically informed care and support to women and their families

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