'It seemed barbaric'
This is a traumatic story of loss. Please read with care. My first baby was stillborn at 39+2 in June 2015. We found out she had died and...
Time. Everything felt so rushed. I saw 7 different midwives and it took hours to get pain relief. I think if midwives have the time to...
It left a few 'footprints'
Being given some effective local anaesthetic when my vaginal tear was stitched would have #madebirthbetter - that was with my first...11...
Being ignored
This time, seven years ago, I was getting ready to meet my little lad. I’d been in labour for a good 22+ hours, & still had a few more to...
Letdown by the NHS
My first birth was on the NHS and I was assured that being high risk this was what the NHS did best. It was one of the most awful things...
I was pretty open minded about labour as long as little one was ok, but I definitely was not prepared for what happened - our baby came...
Comparing to others
This story was shared by on her blog www.ohbella.co.uk Sometimes you go through periods of reflection and in this case also rumination....
The impact of words
I was told to trust medical professionals over my own instinct from the day I told my midwife something was wrong with my pelvis (4...
Wanting to be listened to
At 40+1 I had a midwife check up at the hospital where some concerns about the babies growth were raised, and a scan booked for the...
Two births, worlds apart
I have two children and my births were worlds apart. First I was terrified, 2 weeks over, got induced/waters broken for me despite...