The relief of being listened to
Out of the 2 births I've had, my first one was what I would call traumatic. I was diagnosed with pre eclampsia at 34 weeks, and was...
The mental is as important as the physical
When I came across the #makebirthbetter campaign I almost gave a sigh of relief . Upon reading other mum's stories I realised with...
A Positive First Birth
Before I was pregnant I had always assumed that I would want to give birth in a hospital with as much medical assistance and pain relief...
Beginning to Heal
Dancing was my favourite thing. Pre-babies I loved to be out dancing, to be totally free, to inhabit my body in a way that I didn’t care...
'All I remember is almost everyone not helping me'
My daughter was overdue and so I was told I needed an induction. The date to trigger hospital policy was a Sunday, so they told me I had...
A magical labour
Labour in the end was one of the most magical experiences I will ever have. It was utterly breathtaking. I will never forget it, for none...
Birth preferences
I think one of the things that really helped me was to think of my birth plan as birth preferences instead. This made it feel like it was...
The Healing Second Birth
I have two really different stories for you- one much more positive than the other (bet you've heard that a lot!). After some bleeding I...
'We made it out alive'
Whenever I hear the news that a friend, or family member, is pregnant my first response is fear! I know I'm supposed to be delighted for...
A Traumatic Straightforward Birth
Even as I'm writing this I'm not sure whether it's going to end up as a traumatic story or a beautiful story. For me at least, I know...