The most wonderful time of the year
On paper, it sounds like the kind of birth story I would have dreamed of, but sadly the reality was somewhat different. The trauma of my bir
Roxanne's story
Many of you will remember that Roxanne contacted us towards the end of her second pregnancy. She had a traumatic birth with her first...
Recovering from an unnatural birth
If I could have anything in the world, I would have liked to have received care and support when I was birthing my baby, a time that really
A world made of paper
Stillbirth and PTSD
Accepting a traumatic birth the second time around
My birth was 50 minutes start to finish unexpected, fast and on my own in the bath at home.
I hadn't thought of H's birth as a traum
What about the midwives?
We hear so often “you can’t pour from an empty cup”. I am realising more and more, just how true this is but, as a midwife, I feel this is j
Lost Moment of Childbirth
Everyone talks about that precious, magical moment when you meet your baby for the first time. The intense, overwhelming feeling of...
Can Social Media Heal The Wounded Mother?
Last month the big news in birth was the Telegraph’s headline about Mumsnet stories increasing fear and requests for a caesarean birth....
Expectations of Antenatal Education
As an antenatal Hypnobirthing teacher and postnatal trauma practitioner, one of the things I notice is that a lot rests on antenatal...
Antenatal Expectations
This is the 2nd in a 3 part series from Make Birth Better Network member Sakina Ballard. Here, Sakina talks about how antenatal...