The Pitfalls of 'Going with the Flow' in Birth
This is a blog post copied with permission from the Birth Trauma Truths website. Debby Gould and Melissa Bruijn are founders of...
Power to the people
Why we need a comprehensive evidence base for women's maternity experiences There is, in the UK, a long and proud history of women...
The Birth Trauma Association
The Birth Trauma Association – a small charity punching above its weight The Birth Trauma Association (BTA) began life in 2004 when two...
Birth Plan or Birth Demands?
This was a blog I wrote for Rebecca Schiller, CEO of Birthrights and author of Your No-Guilt Pregnancy Plan. "Something that comes up a...
Healing is possible
This is to try to help us all to make positive changes following a negative birth experience. My pregnancy ended with a precipitate...
The relief of being listened to
Out of the 2 births I've had, my first one was what I would call traumatic. I was diagnosed with pre eclampsia at 34 weeks, and was...
The mental is as important as the physical
When I came across the #makebirthbetter campaign I almost gave a sigh of relief . Upon reading other mum's stories I realised with...
A Positive First Birth
Before I was pregnant I had always assumed that I would want to give birth in a hospital with as much medical assistance and pain relief...
Beginning to Heal
Dancing was my favourite thing. Pre-babies I loved to be out dancing, to be totally free, to inhabit my body in a way that I didn’t care...
'All I remember is almost everyone not helping me'
My daughter was overdue and so I was told I needed an induction. The date to trigger hospital policy was a Sunday, so they told me I had...