The Pitfalls of 'Going with the Flow' in Birth
This is a blog post copied with permission from the Birth Trauma Truths website. Debby Gould and Melissa Bruijn are founders of...
Birth Plan or Birth Demands?
This was a blog I wrote for Rebecca Schiller, CEO of Birthrights and author of Your No-Guilt Pregnancy Plan. "Something that comes up a...
Experiencing PND and PTSD
Pregnancy, labour and the birth of a child is truly beautiful and life changing moment. Many mothers are blessed with a calm, trauma free...
We Need to Talk About It
Two births. Two very different experiences. My first was traumatic and had a lasting imapact on my mental health. It also tainted my...
Pull Myself Together
A difficult birth following a complicated pregnancy, made traumatic by the lack of empathy from professionals
I Realised it was All my Choice
Jenna has asked that her birth story is not anonymised. She would like to share the experience of her first birth, and her very healing...