The mental is as important as the physical
When I came across the #makebirthbetter campaign I almost gave a sigh of relief . Upon reading other mum's stories I realised with...
Beginning to Heal
Dancing was my favourite thing. Pre-babies I loved to be out dancing, to be totally free, to inhabit my body in a way that I didn’t care...
'We made it out alive'
Whenever I hear the news that a friend, or family member, is pregnant my first response is fear! I know I'm supposed to be delighted for...
It left a few 'footprints'
Being given some effective local anaesthetic when my vaginal tear was stitched would have #madebirthbetter - that was with my first...11...
Uncaring Carers
Towards the end of my pregnancy I was being monitored for obstetric cholestasis and high blood pressure so had to go to hospital every...