'We made it out alive'
Whenever I hear the news that a friend, or family member, is pregnant my first response is fear! I know I'm supposed to be delighted for...
A Healing Second Birth
Thought it would be interesting to send my two birth stories as they are very different! My waters broke with my first baby at 35 weeks...
A Positive, difficult birth
The birth experience was epic, it didn't go exactly to plan but it was still incredible, so glad I did hypnobirthing! My waters broke...
Time. Everything felt so rushed. I saw 7 different midwives and it took hours to get pain relief. I think if midwives have the time to...
The support of midwives
I've had three children, the first wasn't as I thought - I developed pre eclampsia and had to be induced early, away from home in a large...
The difference support makes
I had 2 very straightforward labours, text book and no intervention and coped very well. HOWEVER the weird thing was that my first labour...
Being listened to
I have had two very different but very positive births. My first my daughter was overdue, I was listened to that I didn't want to be...
Expectations vs Reality
Having worked with traumatic birth I think I went into birth with very low expectations, which was maybe counterintuitively very helpful...
Noticing the pressure for a natural birth
I am contributing by sharing something that made my second birth really positive. At my booking in appointment I was asked if I would be...
Experiencing PND and PTSD
Pregnancy, labour and the birth of a child is truly beautiful and life changing moment. Many mothers are blessed with a calm, trauma free...