Out of Body
On the Monday I started getting contractions and by around 3pm these were 2/3 minutes apart so I went with my partner to the hospital to...
Failed expectations
I was 31 and am quite short with a petite frame. Pretty uneventful pregnancy apart from having SPD. A note of it was made on my record...
The power of broken expectations
I was the fainter at school. Injections, check. Biology lessons, check. Always flat on my face, and always resulting in chipping my front...
No one was there
Everyone said I'd be early. Especially people with absolutely no medical/obstetrics experience. By the time I got to 10 days passed my...
A Positive, difficult birth
The birth experience was epic, it didn't go exactly to plan but it was still incredible, so glad I did hypnobirthing! My waters broke...
It left a few 'footprints'
Being given some effective local anaesthetic when my vaginal tear was stitched would have #madebirthbetter - that was with my first...11...
Induction and intervention
My first labour was an induction, which took a lot longer than I think anyone had anticipated, however I wasn't warned it could take so...
A Quick Birth is not an Easy Birth
It is worth a mention some births are terrifying because they are that short - and very painful afterwards (the term "explosive birth"...