The relief of being listened to
Out of the 2 births I've had, my first one was what I would call traumatic. I was diagnosed with pre eclampsia at 34 weeks, and was...
The mental is as important as the physical
When I came across the #makebirthbetter campaign I almost gave a sigh of relief . Upon reading other mum's stories I realised with...
The Healing Second Birth
I have two really different stories for you- one much more positive than the other (bet you've heard that a lot!). After some bleeding I...
Failed expectations
I was 31 and am quite short with a petite frame. Pretty uneventful pregnancy apart from having SPD. A note of it was made on my record...
No one was there
Everyone said I'd be early. Especially people with absolutely no medical/obstetrics experience. By the time I got to 10 days passed my...
Being ignored
This time, seven years ago, I was getting ready to meet my little lad. I’d been in labour for a good 22+ hours, & still had a few more to...
Letdown by the NHS
My first birth was on the NHS and I was assured that being high risk this was what the NHS did best. It was one of the most awful things...
Building an emotional barrier
There is so much stigma around birth trauma and the "women have been giving birth for a millennia, just pull yourself together"...
'A Close Call'
I have a 14 month old healthy boy. I wanted a natural birth and practiced hypnobirthing but knew I had to be prepared for any...
Uncaring Carers
Towards the end of my pregnancy I was being monitored for obstetric cholestasis and high blood pressure so had to go to hospital every...