The mental is as important as the physical
When I came across the #makebirthbetter campaign I almost gave a sigh of relief . Upon reading other mum's stories I realised with...
A Positive First Birth
Before I was pregnant I had always assumed that I would want to give birth in a hospital with as much medical assistance and pain relief...
A Positive, difficult birth
The birth experience was epic, it didn't go exactly to plan but it was still incredible, so glad I did hypnobirthing! My waters broke...
It left a few 'footprints'
Being given some effective local anaesthetic when my vaginal tear was stitched would have #madebirthbetter - that was with my first...11...
I was pretty open minded about labour as long as little one was ok, but I definitely was not prepared for what happened - our baby came...
A Quick Birth is not an Easy Birth
It is worth a mention some births are terrifying because they are that short - and very painful afterwards (the term "explosive birth"...