An Unplanned Home Birth
I had my daughter last August 2017 and this time last year I would of been getting ready to bring her in to the world, but unfortunately...
The mental is as important as the physical
When I came across the #makebirthbetter campaign I almost gave a sigh of relief . Upon reading other mum's stories I realised with...
The long term impact of birth
I had a wonderful pregnancy; very little morning sickness and I didn’t put much extra weight on. The only thing I struggled with was...
A sense of failure
Just the thought of possibly sharing my story with you (which I've been quite quiet about) brought me into floods of tears and so I know...
Uncaring Carers
Towards the end of my pregnancy I was being monitored for obstetric cholestasis and high blood pressure so had to go to hospital every...
Expectations vs Reality
Having worked with traumatic birth I think I went into birth with very low expectations, which was maybe counterintuitively very helpful...
A Premature Twin Birth
I wanted to share my birth story but anonymously as I've kind of only recently accepted and started being open about having PTSD. I gave...
We Need to Talk About It
Two births. Two very different experiences. My first was traumatic and had a lasting imapact on my mental health. It also tainted my...
Pull Myself Together
A difficult birth following a complicated pregnancy, made traumatic by the lack of empathy from professionals
I Realised it was All my Choice
Jenna has asked that her birth story is not anonymised. She would like to share the experience of her first birth, and her very healing...