Changing expectations
I had a straightforward pregnancy with fantastic midwife care. I had a student midwife who checked in with me a lot. I did a long...
Positive C section
Tabitha's head never engaged so at 40+13 I was very uncomfortable and extremely anxious. But the decision to finally have a planned c...
The long term impact of birth
I had a wonderful pregnancy; very little morning sickness and I didn’t put much extra weight on. The only thing I struggled with was...
Fighting for support
I had an amazing pregnancy, the only symptom I had was swollen feet for the last 2 months and the obvious bump. The babies head never...
Induction and intervention
My first labour was an induction, which took a lot longer than I think anyone had anticipated, however I wasn't warned it could take so...
A sense of failure
Just the thought of possibly sharing my story with you (which I've been quite quiet about) brought me into floods of tears and so I know...
Choosing a C Section
The birth of my son wasn’t traumatic, but it was my sister’s birth trauma that lead me to my decision to have an elective c-section. She...
A Quick Birth is not an Easy Birth
It is worth a mention some births are terrifying because they are that short - and very painful afterwards (the term "explosive birth"...
The support of midwives
I've had three children, the first wasn't as I thought - I developed pre eclampsia and had to be induced early, away from home in a large...
Disappointing C Sections
I suppose I don't know what to say about my sons' births. I guess I am still pretty upset about how it all turned out. One of the things...