Trusting myself
The birth of my son 3 years ago was an amazing experience. We started at home but had to transfer to hospital because of some unexplained...
I wish I could forget
I was so traumatised and impacted by the birth of my son, I'm really not sure if I would be able to go through with having anymore...
The difference support makes
I had 2 very straightforward labours, text book and no intervention and coped very well. HOWEVER the weird thing was that my first labour...
Feeling alone
One of the things I really struggled with after a traumatic forceps delivery was the hospital not allowing my husband to stay at night. I...
Being listened to
I have had two very different but very positive births. My first my daughter was overdue, I was listened to that I didn't want to be...
Support during a difficult birth
My now two year old was born at 35+4 (as it turns out I have a bicornurate uterus which I didn't know at the time). What initially...
Uncaring Carers
Towards the end of my pregnancy I was being monitored for obstetric cholestasis and high blood pressure so had to go to hospital every...
Expectations vs Reality
Having worked with traumatic birth I think I went into birth with very low expectations, which was maybe counterintuitively very helpful...
The importance of language
Briefly, first birth, determined for a natural one, I remember getting to the hospital and being devastated that I was only 4cm dilated,...
Need for Intervention
Going straight for an elective c section would have made my birth better. That way I would have avoided the induction, the drip, the...